The Foothill Veterans Resource Center hosts an open house in recognition of Veteran’s Day

Joaquin Arig

Foothill Veterans Resource Center Open House

Joaquin Arig, Editor-In-Chief

Members of the Foothill Community gathered around the Veterans Resource Center (VRC) as they hold an open house on November 9. The event kicked off with coffee and community building, before holding mini-sessions with three different groups, where participants learned more about veterans, their service, and the service the VRC provides.

Julie Brown, the VRC specialist, was delighted to see non-veterans join the event. “While the VRC provides service to veterans, we consider ourselves an open community. It’s a great opportunity for students to know more about our services, and the recruitment opportunities we and our partners have” said Ms. Brown.

Jack Kelly, a member of the Los Altos Rotary, was also in the open house as a special guest. He shared their motto, “Service Above Self,” — something which he considers a labor of love. The rotary provides service to the Foothill VRC by donating an annual sum through a foundation.

Other notable speakers were VRC work-study staff members, Daniel Avalos, Ben Lambert, and Luis Herrera, and VRC Counselor Richard Saroyan, who shared about their experiences and specific services of the VRC.

You can help veterans on campus by directing them to the VRC. If you are interested in their services, their office is located at Bldg. 5400 (5403). You may visit their website for more information:

November 11 is a holiday in honor of Veteran’s Day.