Amidst the portrayals of imaginary monsters, heroes, and magical worlds, the love between two women and the bond between two siblings stole the spotlight of “She Kills Monsters,” a production put on...
The Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series at Foothill College returned for a 19th season last week with a talk by Dr. Claire Max, a Bachmann Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at University of California...
The multi-award winning Foothill Music Theatre brought another stellar production to life last week when it lifted the curtain on 9 to 5: The Musical. An adaptation of the film from 1980, 9 to 5 follows...
Each year as December rolls around, it feels increasingly difficult to juggle responsibilities while still getting into the holiday spirit before it all subsides. But even in the thick of deadlines, it...
The highly anticipated TheatreWorks Silicon Valley touring production of The SantaLand Diaries has finally arrived at Foothills Lohman Theater, directed by Jeffrey Lo (as his TheatreWorks debut) and starring...