Amidst the portrayals of imaginary monsters, heroes, and magical worlds, the love between two women and the bond between two siblings stole the spotlight of “She Kills Monsters,” a production put on...
What unites the theater? Maybe the lights that dance on actors' faces? Maybe the magic that flows out the orchestra pit? Or maybe the atmosphere itself created specifically for the audience? Nearly every...
The highly anticipated TheatreWorks Silicon Valley touring production of The SantaLand Diaries has finally arrived at Foothills Lohman Theater, directed by Jeffrey Lo (as his TheatreWorks debut) and starring...
Alix Schoback, News and Politics Editor November 9, 2017
“A blind mule has a greater chance of getting elected!” exclaimed Doremus Jessup (Vic Prosak) in regards to the candidacy of Buzz Windrip (Thomas Times), a controversial populist presidental candidate....