On Friday, March 9th, Foothill College’s social entrepreneurship club Enactus hosted its first ever talent show, Foothill’s Got Talent. The event served as a fundraiser for sending Enactus members...
The third Thor movie, “Thor: Ragnarok” tells the tale of an imprisoned Thor (Chris Hemsworth) on a gladiatorial planet and the gang of heroes he meets along the way who help him defeat the Goddess...
The most important thing to begin preparing directly after your delicious Thanksgiving meal— your Black Friday survival bag. There’s no better way to get the most out of all the Black Friday savings than to come fully prepared. Luckily for you, by the end of this guide you will be prepared for the most productive day of shopping of your whole life.
I took in shaky breath. The clock had, undoubtedly, been ticking this whole time: but the sound had suddenly crescendoed. The end was approaching. I could've touched it. Beads of sweat formed at my neck...
The Odd Couple’s quick, witty, Gilmore Girls-esque dialogue, accompanied by an intimate setting, provides an excellent escape for any students in dire need of a distraction from midterms. The...