At first, leaves turn an unnatural shade of green and begin to wither. Foliage turns brown and dies, clinging to the branches of the tree before falling to the forest floor. The bark begins to excrete...
Growing up, I loved traveling. Despite the chaotic 5:00 a.m. rush to the airport, the crying baby a few rows back, and the stale cheese and crackers airlines make you pay extra for -- I cherished my window...
Do YOU care about YOUR planet? Do YOU care about CLIMATE CHANGE? Do YOU want to make a DIFFERENCE? If you answered YES, this article is for you.
Climate change and global warming is on the rise. The...
“We call BS. That us kids don't know what we're talking about, that we're too young to understand how the government works.”
These are the passionate words from Emma Gonzalez, one of the most outspoken...
You may have seen Foothill's mobile police units around campus, either on patrol or helping students and faculty with things like door locks and security. What you may not have noticed is the department’s...
Over 15,000 climate scientists from 188 different countries signed a joint declaration certifying human's role in climate change. Why are we still doubtful?
Alix Schoback, News and Politics Editor December 5, 2017
The Senate's recently passed tax bill has significant implications for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaskan permafrost, and our warming planet.
At the inaugural morning of this year’s Bioneers conference, 18 Foothill students sat in the audience as the talented Afia Walking Tree and Deb Lane performed a blood pumping chorus of lively drumming....
“My grandfather was brought to boarding schools run by missionaries...they killed the Indian but kept the man,” Rochelle Diver described of her family’s history in the United States.
Diver spoke...
Last week, Foothill College students took part in a referendum on the VTA Eco Pass program. Out of 758 voters, 68.8% approved fee increases in order to sustain the partnership between the Associated Students...
Dirt, rubble, hunger,
dead weeds, broken glass
broken dreams.
The smell of carbon dioxide pollutes the streets
and fills the lungs of young and old and
their empty stomachs
greedy businessmen,