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Foothill College's Student News Publication

The Foothill Script

Foothill College's Student News Publication

The Foothill Script

Foothill College's Student News Publication

The Foothill Script

Los Altos Hills Candidate Neil Ferrari stands on an island dividing traffic to campaign hours before voting finishes.

In rush-hour traffic, a City Council candidate meets voters and talks issues

Liza Mamedov-Turchinsky, Editor-in-Chief
November 6, 2018

Hours before polls closed, Los Altos Hills City Council Candidate Neil Ferrari stood in the road before Foothill College to attract voters by the curbside. “As long as you stay 100 feet away from...

Caserta is pictured inside his campaign headquarters, his personal living room, with student volunteers.

Instructor and Council Member Dominic Caserta Accused of Sexual Harassment

Liza Turchinsky and Devaki Dikshit
May 10, 2018
Foothill instructor, Santa Clara City Council Member, and 2018 County Supervisor candidate has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple sources.
In the Shadow of Giants

In the Shadow of Giants

Nick Schafer, Contributor
April 14, 2017

Looming over the working class neighborhoods of Richmond, CA, the Chevron refinery casts a shadow over the community. While most of us see Chevron only on street corners, the name is a household mainstay....

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