"Be not afraid of the Pistols you have sent me. They may be necessary Implements of self Defense tho' I dare say I shall never have Occasion to use them.” - James Iredell, Former Associate Justice of...

An athlete's workout, a flatlander's nemesis, an artist's inspiration. Loved or tolerated, Foothill Community College's hills are a daily part of life here on campus. Yet most Foothill regulars couldn't...

Please consider attending the both the Movie Screening of Counted out in Appreciation Hall (room 1501) from 11am-1pm as well as Tutoring Town Hall meeting taking place Friday, March 14th from 1-2pm...

I’m sure most of us can relate to the intense feelings of stress and anxiety that emerge as we progress through the quarter. Midterms, homework, projects, and presentations start to stack up, and even...

Foothill Music Theatre’s newest production kicked off its run of The Prom on February 28th, with showtimes on Thursdays at 7:30 pm, Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 pm, and Sundays at 2:00 pm until March...

Next week, on Wednesday March 5th, the annual Ethnic Studies Summit will be held from 12-3PM in Room 5015! In light of the current political environment, this year's theme is Immigration, Resistance &...

People at a Sunnyvale Smart Station manually sorting garbage. “We have a lot of machinery, especially in the food scraps line to remove contamination, anything that doesn't belong,” says Bailey...

On Tuesday, February 6th, President Trump remarked in comments to reporters in the Oval Office that his administration would “start a big investigation” into the California High-Speed Rail project....

In 1998, Affirmative Action was overturned in California and rates of minority enrollment declined. On Tuesday, February 11th at Foothill College, Dr. OiYan Poon discussed this history among many other...

After last week's campus wide meeting, Pacific Dining responded to concerns about early dining hall closures not servicing all students by officially announcing extended hours. Starting February 18th,...

The Foothill Men’s basketball team faced up against Monterey Peninsula on February 19th for their final game of the season. It was an intense game where both teams gave it 110%. Foothill wound up on...

Earlier this month, on February 6th, a Rapid Response event was held in room 5015. The purpose behind the event was to inform college faculty and students of their rights to avoid contact with ICE agents,...

In August 2024, the Palo Alto Unified School District expanded its offerings for high school students by opening Palo Alto Middle College High School (PAMC). Designed to provide a more flexible, college-focused...

Four minutes left: Owls are down, shot clocks running low, and freshman Wyatt Sparling is at the top of the key with defenders all over him. Sparling steps back, puts up a shot, the buzzer rings out, BANG! Last...

Last night I wrote you a love letter. I was wine-drunk, but not in a sweet way; I was losing my vision by the time I was finished but there were no mistakes. I was thinking about you, and trying to describe...

On the 13th of February, a fundraiser for the purposes of supporting Foothills undocumented students was held in the Dining Hall. Served at the front were “delicious elote”, a popular Mexican...

Throughout Foothill College, specifically in terms of gender identity, sexuality, and race, there may be a plethora of students who feel underrepresented in one way or another. In addition, some Foothill...

As the 2024 election advanced, Foothill College students were preparing to vote - many casting ballots for the first time. I was curious to explore the thoughts and opinions of voters on campus, as well...

Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad - Jan Heller Levi I think you are most yourself when you are swimming; slicing the water with each stroke, the funny way you breathe, your mouth cocked as though...

The road may appear exciting yet intimidating for students starting their academic road at a community college hoping to transfer to a famous university like Stanford. Although Stanford's high admission...

His fingers– a deep red, mistaken for the seeds of the pomegranates. To the tourist, the man was simply a vendor; to himself, a man who quenched the thirst of all but his own. His voice croaked...

Over the past year, I made the decision to pursue photography as a career. It has been a passion of mine since childhood, though I never fully realized the joy it could bring me or others....

Zoee Davis-Marsh starts her days by taking a stroll down to her school’s cafe. She attends class, talks to her friends, and lives a normal LA college life, the perfect mix of partying and procrastinating...

Last year, on November 14th, the Chief of Police for Foothill and De Anza college held a community outreach session to openly discuss the possibility of Foothill Campus Police receiving tasers for duty....

Dear Ms. Mason, Your article dated June 15, 2017, had two aims in my opinion. One was to highlight a very unpleasant encounter that you suffered via a CSO – Community Service Officer who seemed intent...

I was delighted to see that Alfonso Cuarón’s coming of age film Y tu mamá también, which had been waiting eagerly in my Letterboxd watchlist for months, is finally on Netflix! The film follows best...

On the 22nd of October last year, members of the College Curriculum Committee gathered in a room I'd passed by so many times before, but had never looked twice at. Adjacent to the library quad lay an unassuming...

This past fall, Foothill had a very close call with its online class accreditation; a near miss that could have eventually led to the college having to drop all online course offerings. The accreditation...

On a Tuesday (discount day at Cinemark theatres!) my friend and I went to see Halina Reijn’s ‘erotic thriller,’ Babygirl. The film stars Nicole Kidman and Antonio Banderas, who need no introduction,...

Foothill’s Makerspace, with its museum of machines and bustling atmosphere of support, makes everyone who steps in feel as though anything is possible. The Makerspace was created in 2017 through...