Last night I wrote you a love letter. I was wine-drunk, but not in a sweet way; I was losing my vision by the time I was finished but there were no mistakes. I was thinking about you, and trying to describe...
Not Bad, Dad, Not Bad - Jan Heller Levi
I think you are most yourself when you are swimming;
slicing the water with each stroke,
the funny way you breathe, your mouth cocked
as though...
His fingers– a deep red, mistaken for the seeds of the pomegranates.
To the tourist, the man was simply a vendor; to himself, a man who quenched the thirst of all but his own.
His voice croaked...
My flag was at half-mast today
The port was closed
The tides were gray
My eyes were shot
My tongue was dry
I heard the wail
Of children cry
The roaring almost drowned...
And what do you do when it all goes right?
How am I meant to cope!
When every part of the journey isn't a fight,
And I don't have to lose all hope.
What if it all works...
I want to write of
The things my mother told me
Of beautiful things
She said when she'd hold me
I long to say
"My mother told me" about this life we live
But instead my mother taught...
Degraded by that D Grade
Insane the way
I’m defined by these grades
On my tests and my papers
It’s a game that I play
With my worth and the praise
That I crave every day
"I am right, and you are wrong." that's
what I was always told.
"You're a woman and not a man,
You belong to the kitchen to make some jam."
You may take my temperament as sass, and don't
“It’s just a cup of coffee.”
I say as shudders of cognitive dissonance wrack my existence. Covid happened, heard about something happening in Gaza, and my girlfriend left me, so I drowned my sorrows...
Poetry is an important form of human and literary expression. Though not applicable to all areas of the topic, poetry is often an art of limitations. Haiku forces writers to become creative with syllables,...
Alas, despite my best efforts, even I must fall into the same trap. The pain of Pi is apparent to me, and yet...
The aged wood creaked under my feet as I walked onto the porch. The fresh paint of the front walls was beautifully layered and mixed, below which lay termite dust and bird scat. I reached under the mat,...