Walton’s Film: “Homeless Not Hopeless in
America Ft. “Brook”,
Now as a distinguished scholar, when I reflect on my journey thus far, it was undoubtedly ignited when I enrolled at Foothill Community College in 2018. At the time of my enrollment, I had been away from formal education for several years and fervently in search of my life’s purpose. Unfortunately, this was an extremely challenging time in my life, due to experiencing homelessness, the lack of support, and financial resources. Although I was dealing with unfavorable living conditions, I did not let this dissuade me from attaining a higher education. Assiduously, I was mentally prepared, knowing that I’d have to make necessary sacrifices and overcome multiple plights in efforts to graduate from Foothill and transfer to a university.
Taking my first steps on the Foothill campus, was uplifting and I instantaneously felt a sense of belonging. For me, it was rejuvenating to meet supportive faculty and having the opportunity to build social bonds with individuals who shared similar educational goals. Appreciatively, during my time at Foothill is when I discovered my love, as well as my unwavering passion for Sociology and Social Justice. Excitingly, the colleges course selection within the Sociology department were absolutely intriguing and they certainly elevated my mind to new perspectives, and innovative ways to approach social issues that adversely affect individuals globally. Additionally, I was fortunate to get enrolled into leadership courses which I knew would be significant advantages for my future academic and professional ambitions. Plus, I greatly benefited from the resources that the Foothill STEM center offered to succeed in mathematics.
As a result of my comprehensive studies at Foothill College with top-tier Professors, I genuinely believe that these moments are not only what transformed me as a scholar, but also my life’s trajectory for the better. Furthermore, the relationships I established, academic opportunities and my overall experience at Foothill College gave my life new meaning. After beginning my classes and learning the innumerable number of incarcerated youths, I started volunteering for a non-profit organization as a Juvenile Law Facilitator to educate youth. Wholeheartedly, my education and the experience of working with youthful offenders, inspired me to become a change-maker within the educational and juvenile justice systems.
In June 2019 while still homeless, I was very blessed to graduate from Foothill College with Magna Cum Laude Honors and transfer to the California State University of Sacramento. As an honors first-generation graduate from Foothill, I truly feel this launched my academic career, in addition to my journey as an aspiring policymaker. Following an abundance of success at Foothill, my self-confidence and self-awareness increased exponentially, now that I was living out my dreams. Valiantly, I knew that I now had a legit opportunity for upward mobility and I’m equipped with lifelong tools capable of changing the world through education. Hence, Foothill College provided me with a tremendous educational foundation, which led me to major in Sociology at Sacramento State University to further my understanding of the prevalent social issues afflicting societies worldwide. Extraordinarily, as a homeless student, I was blessed to graduate with honors from Sacramento State in 2021 while earning my Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Gratefully, as a student at Sacramento State I was chosen as the President of the Sociology club, a Student Lobbyist for higher education and was selected as the “Most Outstanding Graduating Senior” by my department.
Accordingly, once I earned my bachelor’s degree, I wanted to attend graduate school to advance my studies and leadership qualities to one day contribute to progressive worldly changes through equitable policies. Therefore, I decided to apply to the University of Southern California where I was accepted into the Criminal Justice Masters degree program. In just one year, I was able to effectively utilize my academic talents and graduate with my master’s degree and a 4.0 GPA in 2022. Suitably, this achievement qualified me to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi by USC, which is Americas oldest, most selective and prestigious honors society for scholars. So, with all the valuable information that I gained through my education, which stems from Foothill, I aim to apply my specialized knowledge to real-world issues and advocate for groundbreaking changes. In August 2021 and 2022, I self-published two educational children’s books (Melanin Born Kings) for boys born into the African diaspora. Lastly, in April 2023, I completed my international multi award-winning debut film “Homeless Not Hopeless in America Ft. “Brook”, in which I directed a sociological documentary on homelessness, mental illness, and drug abuse in Los Angeles, CA.